Saturday, March 16, 2013

Wheat Allergy or Gluten Intolerance? Day 7

Eye Problems!

So as I said yesterday, I have just broken a month-long fast from gluten, and lo and behold, I woke up this morning with a very obvious irritation and redness in my eyes, one of the main problems I have been battling for years! I can't believe it. I immediately connected this to the pizza I ate the night before, of course, but then I was wondering if it was related...could it also have been the sulfites in the wine? I still wasn't sure...

So, I abstained from eating any more wheat for most of the day, until 5 P.M. this evening. Then I went to a function at The Rocket Room and they had this cake, which had everything you shouldn't eat, and so what did I do, I ate it, you know, just to see what the hell would happen. And, lo and behold, not even an hour went by, and my eyes went nuts! They are red as hell, itchy, soar, inflamed, there's a big soar on my right eye, and that gunk that used to be stuck on my eyelashes like glue(ten) came right back.

One month ago, I had this gunk on my eyelashes, I've had it for years, and it never would wash off. When I stopped the gluten, this gunk finally washed off. I'd take a washcloth with hot water, and I'd just wipe it off, very easily. Now, after eating this cake, fughedaboudit. I am done for, do not pass go, do not collect $100.

So then I looked up "swollen eye gluten," and I learned that it's not necessarily gluten that is causing the problem, but any of the four proteins that are found in WHEAT: gluten, albumen, globulin, and gliadin. So it could be gluten, but not necessarily. It could just be wheat.

I also read that eye issues are more related to wheat as opposed to gluten, and that gluten isn't really related to eye problems. So now I have to really rule out whether it's gluten, or specifically wheat. My gut instinct is that the problem is wheat, but that I'm okay with gluten because I am not noticing any other issues--just the eyes.

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