Thursday, March 14, 2013

Newfegan Madman--Day 5


We had pad thai, a favorite dish of the house. Coconut macaroons for dessert.


I didn't eat any lunch. I just made hummus and snacked all day.


Update: 8:40 A.M.

Corn is the culprit, it's got to be. I ate that corn cereal yesterday afternoon, and this morning, I really noticed inflammation in my throat and I had a runny nose. I also woke up extremely sluggish, even though I had 8 hrs. of sleep. And I feel fine now. I'm not sick or anything, I just had some very acute symptoms. And the reason I ate the cereal yesterday was just so I could see if I would react to it. Hmmm, maybe that's why I reacted, because I was expecting one!

It's amazing when you can make the connection that food is actually causing us to be miserable, because once you find out which food(s) it is, you can do something about it! I really think it's corn. I'm not sure if it's all corn, but my naturopath said I was sensitive to gluten, corn, and soy, so I 've been trying to limit all of these in my diet, cutting gluten out completely.

So since I've cut out gluten, I can now target how I feel when I eat other foods, like corn. So I think I'm onto something here

For Breakfast, we ate

Oatmeal w/ amaranth and almond butter -- I threw in a good handful of chia seeds -- the oatmeal was a little strange, but what the hey, it was edible enough.

I also had my morning cup of lemon water, but I threw in some grated ginger to fight any inflammation that's probably still there. My symptoms that I experienced this morning are gone, though, so that's a relief.

Dear Corn,

You are a sneaky one, I've got my eye on you. Don't try anything funny, or you're gonna get it.


The Newfegan Madman

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