Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Diary of a Newfegan Madman--Day 3


Update: 8:00 P.M.

Dinner was simple tonight, gluten-free pasta and broccolette. I have nothing to say on this topic, amazingly enough, other than that I think it's great you can buy gluten-free pasta! We eat pasta about once a week.

Afternoon Snack

Update 5:02 P.M.

Let's see, I finished up a pineapple coconut cup, 1/2 avocado w/ gomashio, and now I'm munching on cashews.


Update: 2:05 P.M.

Leftovers: Root Veggie Latkes w/ buckwheat pilaf

I made some edamame dip (The MILF Diet) because we're out of hummus, and it was excellent! Edamame is also great for supporting the liver, and Spring is the Liver Season.


Update: 11:25 A.M.

Oh boy, I am done stretching, and I feel elastically elated! Or is that elated elastically? I don't know...

Anyways, we, m'girl n' I, are snacking on--you guessed it--apples and nut butters. She's doing the peanut butter thing, and I'm doing the almond butter thing because I'm cutting down on peanuts right now. I also just polished off the rest of that sweet brown rice and mung beans concoction with onions, it's so good, I'm going to have to bookmark that one! We also just ate some homemade granola bar things that m'wife made last night, which I think have vegan marshmallows, they were really sweet, so I'm balancing that with the nut butters and rice mixture.

Wow, what a snack! Now it's time to make us some edamame (soybeans) dip, because we are all out of hummus, a staple in this house!


Update: 9 A.M.

Didn't sleep so well, at about 3 A.M. I woke up ravenous for some reason, which is unusual. I finally got back to sleep, but the strange thing is when I woke up I wasn't hungry at all. I didn't eat breakfast until 9 A.M.

Right now, I'm drinking the blueberry hemp smoothie that's on the Navitas Naturals website. I added a tablespoon of chia seeds to it, to give it even more protein, fiber, and Omega 3's.

This smoothie is extremely filling, holy Christmas trees! As I said yesterday, I think smoothies make the perfect morning meal because you don't want to bog down your body with a lot of work to do in breaking down all this food in the morning. When you blend your food, you get the instant chewing effect and instant energy because you save lots of energy from not having to break down the food so much, it just goes right into your system. Jesus, that was wordy...

The hemp protein and chia seeds together make a powerhouse of protein that is another good thing to load up with in the morning because not only do you have instant energy, but you feel truly satiated. For vegans, it's optimal to have some kind of protein powder in the smoothies, methinks.

We use a Vitamix, which is awesome if you can get one, but a high-powered blender will do just as well.

Time to stretch!

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