Monday, May 9, 2011

Whoever Likes Vegan Cheese-Whiz, Raise Your Hand


That picture up there, that was my wife's lunch:

Clearly that's a sandwich there, but inside there is a walnut-chickpea spread w/ cucumbers, tomatoes, butter lettuce, and banana peppers. She also had left-over beet salad. (She's rarely home for lunch so that was a nice treat.)

I just had leftover pizza and beet salad. Big-ass glass of water, and I was full.

My youngest, she also ate the walnut-chickpea sandwich. You know, little bites, nothing crazy-like.

At Snack, I had the last peanut-butter and chocolate muffin and I had a piece of the carrot cake I was too full to eat from the night before. The cake my wife made which she wasn't supposed to make because mothers shouldn't cook anything on Mother's Day, am I right? Right. Yet, she still sneaked that cake in there without me knowing.

I also had a pear, to keep with my eating-real-food-that-is-alive principle. I eat raw for breakfast and in between lunch and dinner. So, yeah, a pear worked great after eating a muffin and cake, all home-made, of course.

While I have you on the phone, I just wanted to do a little math. The big-ass glass of carrot, orange, and lemon juice I had for breakfast this morning would probably cost $4-5, perhaps more depending on where you're buying it. So let's take the conservative end of the spectrum and say it's $4. Now let's say you buy one of these every morning on your way to work or at lunch or wherever. Fresh squeezed juice of any kind is very expensive unless you make it at home.

So, fresh-squeezed juice every day for 30 days= $120. Nope, I wouldn't recommend it. That's just a little less than what we spend on all of our groceries every single week, which is about $175. We just weren't meant to buy fresh juice every day. So we make it at home.

Get an awesome juicer and juicing becomes a breeze. You can see a picture of our Omega juicer in my previous post.

We used to buy the Tropicana Orange Juice in the big-ass carton which they have now slimmed down to give it a nice sleek-but-we're-actually-screwing-you-over kind of look. It was $6.20 last time I checked, it could be more now. Go through one in a week with your family and you're spending $24/mo. on not-really-fresh, already nutrient-deficient orange juice. The longer it sits, the less nutrients it has, of course. So you're spending even more for juice of an inferior quality. It will never taste as good as fresh-squeezed juice seconds after you juice it. Never. And the more preservatives it has to "keep it fresh", the deader it becomes. And processed food? Dead as all get-out. Yet the companies sell it as juice. Save yourself the trouble and the money. Don't buy juice and keep it in the fridge unless you plan to use it in recipes or something. Or give to your kids for their lunches.

Here's what we had for dinner.

That's a Philly-cheese style slider with grilled peppers and onions. (From Vegan Diner.) Salad lightly dusted with hemp seeds. Power food! I ate two sliders, and I am stuffed--to 80% of my capacity, of course, following on with Veggie Daddy Rule #2.

"What the hell, is that vegan cheese-whiz?" you might be asking. Or "Is that some kind of crazy-ass vegan cheese?" you might also wonder.

Yes, it is, and it's something I don't think I ever would've eaten a year ago. It's made with cashews and it is truly awesome. It is incredible what you can do with cashews. Short of having sex with them, you can do almost anything!

Eat B(right),
Veggie Daddy

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