Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Monsanto Is Not For Our Best Interests

Here's some food for thought:

Every time we buy a GMO food at the store, we are actually supporting the companies that are creating these genetically mutated monsters, we are giving them our tacit approval, whether we want to admit it or not.  "Some 93% of soybeans and 86% of corn crops come from such seeds."

If you look at this article, you will see that Monsanto believes "it needs its patents in order to protect its business interests...[which] is vital to preserving the motivation for developing new agricultural products."

However, as good as their intentions might appear, I would like to put it out there that Mother Nature does not need to be improved upon. We don't need any new agricultural products. Give us the opposite. WE WANT MOTHER NATURE BACK.

As Andrew Kimbrell simply points out in the indispensable documentary Genetic Roulette, there isn't one single advantage to having genetically modified crops for the consumer. NOT ONE.

As Monsanto simply states in the article above, there is only one reason they have patented crops: to make a buck. If you take the time to watch Genetic Roulette, you'll see they're doing much more than that. And it should scare the hell out of you.

Here's the doc. Watch it as soon as you can, share it with as many people as you can, and please shop consciously.

Use this non-GMO shopping guide.

Here's how to shop for non-GMO's in Canada.

Look for the non-GMO project.

Remember the main GMO products are:

1. Soy
2. Corn (flour, masa, meal, starch, sugar, syrup, oil)
3. Cottonseed Oil
4. Canola oil
5. Sugar Beets (sugar).
6. Any animal product (meat, dairy, eggs) that is fed GM corn and soy (all factory farmed).
5. Any processed food that contains GM corn and soy (the majority).

Eat B(right),


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