Saturday, September 17, 2011

Courico Tacos with Grilled Pineapple Salsa

Awhile ago we made this vegan version of Courico Tacos, which is a Portuguese version of chorizo sausage. The recipe suggests using soy curls, but we used seitan instead. Seitan is made from vital wheat gluten which is comprised of the pure protein of wheat. No, this isn't good to eat if you have gluten allergies, though I suspect this gluten allergy thing has become a bit out of hand. Many of us are having allergy issues because of all the REFINED grains we are eating, not necessarily whole grains, which is now becoming the norm in processed foods, the irony of all ironies!

It is really easy to grill pineapple. Cut it in strips, lightly brush with oil, and grill on both sides like so:

As you can see here, we use a cast-iron grill pan with the grooves. You can see it grills nicely, eh?

We got this recipe from the phenomenal Vegan Brunch by Isa Chandra Moskowitz, a brilliant self-taught vegan chef.


  1. Hi, the pineapple looks very tasty, and I was wondering what the texture is like. My kids love pineapple out of a can because it's softer than fresh pineapple, which they try to chew and end up spitting out. When the pineapple is grilled, does it lose that hard texture?

  2. Fresh pineapple is just as soft as canned pineapple, but canned pineapple is most likely cored. You have to core the fresh pineapple, and then you've taken care of the problem. But yes, the pineapple gets very soft when you grill it. Why not try it and see? Thanks for your question!
