Saturday, August 31, 2013

Waiting for Garden

Well, it's wet out there. This is a picture of how our garden looks now. As you can see, it has grown exponentially since our last pic. So far we haven't really eaten anything from it! Our swiss chard seems to have been swallowed up by weeds or some other force of nature, and our carrot seeds may have been eaten by slugs, we don't know. What we do know is we have no carrots and no Swiss chard! Our lettuce got somewhat rotted and eaten, but we managed to pick off a few leaves. Our beets are taking their sweet time, but I think there were too many seeds in there to begin with. And finally, our garden was so overgrown with weeds, we had no idea what was weeds and what wasn't; luckily, my dad happened to be in town and he helped us learn what were weeds and what weren't.

So that's our garden, such that it is. Hopefully, we'll be able to eat something before winter!

Eat B(right),

Veggie Daddy